About Us

Burks Creations is a project of passion, started in earnest in the middle of COVID in January of 2021 in our family garage. What started as a hobby, turned into a small side business, eventually into a true full side business, and now a full-time business. Our vision from the beginning has always been to provide unique handcrafted gifts created with the love of woodworking and creativity that will provide joy to the recipient for years to come.

After working our 8-5 day jobs and spending time with our two-year-old daughter, the days ended with working in the garage until the early hours of the morning. With dedication, time management, and a strong support network we have been able to successfully persevere, grow, and sustain our small family business. With the steady increase in interest and requests, we have decided to take the leap with pursuing our passion full-time starting October 1, 2022, allowing us to spend more family time together in the evening and more time with our customers during the day.

Travis & Ande

Travis and his wife Ande met while attending Texas A&M University and are both proud members of the class of 2013. Through Burks Creations, they are able to give back through support and scholarships to current and future Aggies. Burks Creations is family-owned and operated out of College Station, Texas. What started as a hobby and a love for woodworking passed down from father to son, helped us grow from a garage-time hobby into a small family-owned business.

Thank you for supporting our small business! If you have any questions or concerns about your order, please do not hesitate to reach out. We hope you love your item! Tag us on your social media @burkscreations, we truly appreciate the support to help grow our business.

- Travis & Ande Burks